If the content of your presentation includes copyrighted works, you must obtain the permission of the author to stream the presentation.
Please make sure that the content of your screen-shared slides and submitted poster PDFs do not infringe on copyrights or cause defamation issues.
When citing published works, please be sure to clearly indicate the source. In the unlikely event that a third party’s copyright is infringed upon by the content of a presentation, the presenter will be held responsible for any damage caused to the third party.
Oral Presentation
The total presentation time is 15 minutes: 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for the Q&A session. Please be punctual: 1, 2, and 3 bells will be rung at 10, 12, and 14 minutes and 30 seconds; for video performances, 3 bells will be rung at 2 minutes and 30 seconds after the start of the Q&A session.
For oral presentations, the previous speaker will be asked to chair the next presentation, including English sessions. The first chairperson will be assigned by the room attendant.
Poster Presentation
All poster presenters are required to upload their online posters to the conference platform (ONLINE CONF). Please note that even those who have opted for on-site poster presentations must also display their posters online.
Online Poster Presentations
Since it will be difficult for on-site participants to view online posters during the conference, a viewing period for all participants will be provided before the conference (scheduled for March 12-14). Therefore, all poster presenters must upload their posters to ONLINE CONF by the specified deadline (scheduled for March 11 at 23:59). Note that you may revise or replace your poster after uploading it. Poster uploads are expected to become available after January 31.
There will be no core time or video discussion spaces for online posters at this conference. If you wish to provide direct explanations online, please use online meeting systems such as Zoom on your own. The text chat function on ONLINE CONF is available, so please make use of it.
For online poster presentations, you may upload a graphical abstract, the main poster, supplementary materials (PDF), and an explanatory video. Uploading supplementary materials, graphical abstracts, and explanatory videos is not mandatory.
Poster presentations are intended to succinctly summarize the overall research within a limited space. In line with this purpose and to align with the conditions of on-site presentations as closely as possible, the poster format will be one A0-sized sheet. The orientation can be either portrait or landscape, depending on your preference, such as choosing portrait orientation to match on-site presentations or landscape orientation to fit computer screens.
The main poster should be created in PDF format (without embedded audio or video). The maximum file size is 5MB. Please ensure that your file does not exceed this limit. To facilitate quicker loading on the platform, it is recommended to keep the file size below 1MB and the size per page below 500KB.
Our conference places a strong emphasis on international exchange. We welcome considerations for audiences who may not understand Japanese. Specifically, consider providing key points in both Japanese and English on the poster or preparing a separate English version of the poster. If you opt for "bilingual," include explanations in English on the poster or prepare an English version of the poster. When preparing a separate English version of the poster, we recommend providing two sets of A0-sized posters (one in Japanese and one in English). If opting for "English" only, please prepare your poster in English.
Supplementary materials (such as additional figures, data, or documents) can also be included to enhance the audience’s understanding. These materials should be stored in the same PDF file as the poster, following the main poster content on separate pages, and uploaded as a single PDF file (the total file size, including the English version or supplementary materials, must not exceed 5MB).
The graphical abstract will be used as the thumbnail image in the poster list and as the first poster image displayed on the platform. Please create it as a JPG image with dimensions of 1200 pixels by 1200 pixels. It does not necessarily need to be an image that summarizes the research content; for example, a photo of the organism being studied is also acceptable. What is important is that it serves as an eye-catching element. If a graphical abstract is not uploaded, the first page of the poster itself will be displayed in the poster list.
You can upload videos explaining the poster content or related to the presentation (up to 2 files, MP4 format only, each under 500 MB, and within 5 minutes). On the platform, these videos will be displayed separately from the poster. The audience can view the videos while displaying the poster, or they can listen to the audio from the video while browsing the poster.
Uploaded posters and explanation videos will be configured to prevent downloading or copying of text.
On-site Poster Presentations
The size of the boards used for on-site poster displays is 210 cm (height) × 90 cm (width), allowing for A0-sized vertical posters. Presenters are free to use this space as needed. However, please ensure that the poster does not extend beyond this space and interfere with neighboring boards.
Each on-site poster presentation will be assigned a core time (12:00–14:00) on one of the conference’s second to fourth days (March 16–18). During the core time, please stand by your poster and provide explanations to attendees. Posters with odd numbers will have the first half (12:00–13:00) as their core time, while posters with even numbers will have the second half (13:00–14:00). However, you may extend your core time within the 12:00–14:00 period at your discretion.
On-site poster presenters are requested to set up their posters between 5:00 PM on the day before their core time and the start of the core time on the day of their presentation. The poster venue opens at 8:00 AM.
Please remove your on-site posters between the end of your core time and 5:00 PM on the presentation day. To ensure a smooth transition for the next poster session, please complete the removal of your posters by 5:00 PM.
Please bring your own push pins for mounting posters. Note that push pins tend to run low in supply at nearby stores during the event, so plan accordingly.
As the venue may be crowded, please take appropriate measures to prevent infections and ensure your safety at your own responsibility.