Registrations and Proposals

We are currently accepting applications for open sessions and the ER Symposium. For details, please visit the following pages:

Deadlines for Presentations and Proposals

Presentation Type Application Deadline Abstract Submission Deadline
Open Session 31st Jul. 2024 23:59 JST 21st Feb. 2025 23:59 JST
ER Symposium 30th Aug. 2024 23:59 JST
Forum 15th Sep. 2024 23:59 JST

31st Oct. 2024 23:59 JST
General Presentation
High School Student Poster Session

Eligibility for Presentations

Presentation Eligibility by Membership Type

Presentations at the conference are generally limited to members (regular and honorary members). Non-members are eligible in the following two cases:

  1. When to speak as an invited speaker in symposium
  2. When participating as a commentator or opinion presenter in symposium/workshop without abstract submission.
  3. When give a presentation in High School Student Poster Session.
Presentation Type Member *1 Non-Member
General Presentation (Oral or Poster) *2
Symposium/Workshop Organizer
Symposium Presenter *2 ◯ *3
Workshop Presenter *2
Commentator/Opinion in Symposium/Workshop

*1 Refers to regular members (general and student) and honorary members of the Ecological Society of Japan. Associate members are not included.
*2 Refers to the primary presenter (speaker). Co-presenters do not need to be members.
*3 Limited to invited speakers.

Overlap Restrictions

There are restrictions on overlapping presentations at the conference:

  • Symposium organizers and presenters cannot be organizers or presenters in other symposium, workshop, or general presentations.
  • However, providing context or serving as a commentator/opinion presenter without abstract submission is not subject to overlap restrictions.
  • Workshop organizers and presenters can also be general presentation speakers.
  • Forum organizers and topic providers are not subject to overlap presentation restrictions.
Symposium Workshop General Presentation Forum
Symposium × × ×
Workshop × ×
General Presentation × ×

If you are already an organizer or a speaker of the respective category, you cannot become an organizer or a speaker of a lecture of the category marked with an "×".