Regular Presentations

Regular presentations include oral and poster sessions.

Oral session

  • The total presentation time is 15 minutes: 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A.
  • Presentations are onsite only. Online presentations are not available and will not be available on demand.
  • Oral sessions consist of sessions in both Japanese and English. The sessions in English include presentations entered for the English Presentation Award. Oral presentations can be given in English during Japanese oral sessions.
  • Student members or regular members within 5 years of receiving their degrees may be eligible to be considered for the English Oral Presentation Award if they make an oral presentation in the English session.

Poster session

  • All posters will be posted online (ONLINE CONF) and posters may be displayed on-site if desired.
  • We will allocate a core time during the conference for on-site poster presentations.
  • Although there will be no core time for online poster presentations, there will be a viewing period for all online posters before the conference starts (scheduled from 12th to 14th Mar. 2025).
  • Student members without a Ph.D. who have not previously received a poster award at any past Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan are eligible to apply for the Poster Award.
  • Please note that the method for presenting online posters has been updated since the last conference, so be sure to review the details in the Guidelines for Online Poster Presentations.

Application for Regular Presentations

Application Process

  • Please enter your preferred presentation format (oral or poster) at the time of application, but we may not be able to meet your request depending on the number of presentations.
  • Speakers of presentations (main presenter, the same below) must be members of the Ecological Society of Japan. However, non-members are also eligible to have their names listed as co-presenter (see Presentation Eligibility by Membership Type).
  • Please note the overlap restrictions. A speaker of a regular presentation cannot be a speaker of another regular presentation or a symposium organizer or speaker.
    • Duplication with Workshop is allowed.
    • Explanations of aim, comments, and statements of opinions at symposiums that do not involve abstract submission do not count as presentations and are therefore not subject to the overlap restrictions.

How to apply

You can apply for various types of presentations at the following page.

[Go to Application site]

  • Speakers are requested to submit their applications by 31st Oct. 2024 23:59 (JST).
  • The following information is required to apply for a presentation. Please note that this information cannot be changed after the deadline.
    • Title of your presentation (no more than 150 characters).
    • Names and affiliations of you and co-presenters.
  • Please select research field of your presentation (see table below). A list of possible fields will be shown on the Regular Presentation Application form, so please select up to your third choice. Please note that fields may be consolidated or eliminated depending on the number of applications.
  • Please register your abstract (maximum 800 characters for Japanese, 400 words for English) from the conference application site by 21st Feb. 2025 23:59 (JST).
  • Please also check Other Notes before submitting your abstract.
Acoustic Ecology (Open session) Deer-induced Problems (Open session) Behavior Plant ecophysiology
Biodiversity Evolution Animal populations Plant populations
Invasive species Mathematical ecology Life history of animals Life history of plants
Conservation Landscape ecology Animal reproduction Plant reproduction
Ecosystem management Succession and regeneration Animal communities Plant communities
Education and popularization of ecology Material cycling Animal-plant interactions Microbial ecology

English Oral Presentation Award

The English Oral Presentation Award (EPA) is designed to 1) encourage non-native speakers (especially early-career researchers) to present their research and improve their communication skills in English, 2) foster opportunities for more interaction with international participants, and 3) promote English research presentations in general at ESJ conferences.

This award is not a competition for fluency in English. Applicants are chosen by a panel of judges on the basis of the academic content of their presentations as well as their presentation skills and attitude.


  • Applicants must be students (undergraduate, master’s, doctoral) or members of the Ecological Society of Japan within 5 years of receiving their degree by March 2025 (childcare/nursing care leave is not included in this 5-year period).
  • Past winners of the EPA Grand Prize are not eligible to apply, but past winners of the Excellence Award are eligible to apply. Please note that these eligibility requirements may change after the next competition.

Judging Criteria

  • The judging will be conducted by a panel of judges who will evaluate the entries on a point-by-point basis. Applications for presentations and awards must be submitted through the conference application website.

Poster Award

To encourage early-career researchers in their academic activities, poster awards will be given for outstanding poster presentations. Due to the availability of judges, the maximum number of poster award applications will be set at 500. There is no upper limit on the number of poster presentations, which will not be subject to award consideration.


  • Student members who have not obtained a Ph.D. as of the deadline for regular presentations are eligible to apply.
  • However, those who have received the “Best Award” or “Excellence Award” for the Poster Prize at any past Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan are not eligible to apply, even if they meet the above requirements. Past Annual Meetings of Ecological Society of Japan include those run jointly with EAFES.
  • Speakers who requested “Acoustic Ecology” and "Deer-induced Problems" in the Open session as their presentation field are also not eligible to apply for the Poster Award.
  • To reduce the burden on applicants, the poster award application does not require the submission of a graphical abstract or explanatory video for this conference. While the content of graphical abstracts and videos will generally not be subject to evaluation, judges may refer to them to better understand the research.

Judging Criteria

The selection process will emphasize the ability to convey information and the quality of research. Poster award applicants are requested to take these points into consideration when preparing their posters.

  • For the ability of posters to convey information, the judge will assess whether the research content is presented in an easy-to-understand manner. This includes considerations such as (1) a good title, (2) a clear abstract, (3) engaging visual elements, and (4) effective design that allows for understanding the general content quickly. It is important that the text and figures are easy to read, that there is not too much information, and that the key points can be understood without additional explanation. To ensure fairness, please avoid changing the title of your poster after it has been registered.
  • The quality of the research will also be evaluated based on the following criteria: (1) novelty and originality, (2) quality and quantity of data, (3) appropriateness of analysis methods, and (4) validity of the discussion and conclusions.


  • In order to secure judges, the number of poster award applications will be capped at 500. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Poster awards will be judged based on online posters to ensure fairness. The judging will take place before the conference begins, so please make sure to upload your poster to ONLINE CONF by the specified deadline (scheduled for March 11, 2025, 23:59 (JST)).
  • In line with the concept that "a poster presentation is a way to concisely summarize research content within a limited space," the poster format should be one A0-sized sheet. The orientation can be either vertical or horizontal, depending on your preference, such as choosing vertical orientation to match on-site presentations or horizontal orientation to fit computer screens.
  • For the online poster presentations, you may upload a graphical abstract, the main poster, supplementary materials (PDF), and an explanatory video. However, only the main poster will be evaluated. Even if you also displayed the poster on-site, only the online poster will be considered for the award.
  • This conference will not have a core time or video discussion spaces for online posters, so please focus on creating a clear and understandable poster. For items that are difficult to evaluate by viewing the poster alone, judges may use text chat to ask the presenter questions and use the responses for evaluation.
  • During the judging, only the content of the poster will be assessed regardless of the language used. However, in cases where posters have the same score, those that can be understood in English will be given a higher ranking. Posters that can be understood in English include those with English translations of the title, introduction, and conclusion; those where the research summary can be understood by reading only the English text; or those with a separate English version of the poster available.

Awards for Online Poster Presentations

  • In addition to the traditional poster awards, the conference will feature two awards: the "Like!" Award and the "Best Discusser" Award. Both awards will be selected by all conference participants.
  • These awards are not official awards of the Ecological Society of Japan, but are given independently by the ESJ72.
  • The winners of these awards will be announced at ONLINE CONF and on the conference website as soon as they are determined.

"Like!" Award

  • To encourage communication among participants through the comment function, we are introducing a "Like!" Award in addition to the regular poster awards. All posters will be considered for the "Like!" Award.
  • Selection will be based on the number of "Like!" received for the poster presentations. All conference participants, including high school students, are eligible to vote "Like!".
  • In the selection process for this award, posters that receive more viewers will have an advantage. Due to the nature of the viewing system, the smaller numbered posters may have a higher chance of winning.

Best Discusser Award

  • An award will be presented to an individual conference participant who has contributed to the excitement of all poster presentations, including high school student posters, by posting quality comments.
  • Selection will be made based on the total number of "Likes!" received on their comments from each conference participant.
  • This award was created specifically to encourage communication among participants using the comment function.