Proposal for sessions

  • There are three types of sessions: Symposia, Workshops,and Forums.
    • Symposium category includes the regular symposium as well as two special types: the Open Session, where the theme is introduced as a new presentation field within the Ecological Society, and the ER Symposium, where travel grants and free admission to the conference are available for inviting international researchers.
  • At all sessions, speakers will be asked to present on-site.
  • We look forward to receiving enthusiastic proposals from researchers from various positions, genders, and nationalities.

Concept of sessions

Symposium Workshop Forum
Concept Core sessions of the conference Free discussion about various topics Building consensus within ESJ on issues in the field
Applicant Open Open Applied by committees of ESJ
Time 3 hours 1.5 hours 1.5 hours
Presenters On-site On-site On-site
Online support On-demand streaming On-demand streaming (partly) On-demand streaming (partly)
Priority Top priority Lottery if too many applications Top priority
Presentations by non-ESJ members Encouraged
Invited speakers are exempt from the registration fee
Not allowed
Comments and opinions without abstract submissions are allowed
Regular Presentations by organizers/speakers Not allowed Allowed Allowed
Presentations in other sessions by organizers/speakers Not allowed Not allowed Allowed


Symposium is the main session of the conference, and we call members to submit proposals for organizing. Conference participants look forward to symposia with fresh themes that have never been presented before.

  • Duration of the session is 180 minutes. Speakers are required to present on-site.
  • In principle, all presentations will be recorded and made available on-demand to conference participants during the meeting or for about a month after the conference.
  • To promote international information dissemination and discussion at the symposium, we welcome the active participation of international researchers and non-members through the Invited Speaker System.
  • To promote exchange with other disciplines, non-members of the Ecological Society of Japan are welcome to give invited lectures. The conference registration fee for invited speakers will be waived. Please note that the same non-member cannot be the invited speaker for two consecutive years.


Workshop is the session traditionally emphasized by the Ecological Society of Japan as a place to help launch new fields and to allow free discussion of various topics outside the framework of ecology.

  • Duration of the session is 90 minutes. Speakers are required to present on-site.
  • If requested, the presentations will be recorded and streamed on-demand to conference participants during the congress or for about a month after the congress. However, in the case of a large number of requests for streaming, on-demand streaming may be selected in principle on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • It is also possible to hold the session without abstract submissions, such as statement of opinions or lightning talks. In this case, there is no need to register for abstract submissions.


Forum is organized by the committees of the Ecological Society of Japan to solicit the opinions of a wide range of members on issues related to the management of the Ecological Society of Japan and ecology that the Society is working on, to promote information sharing among members, and to build consensus within the Society through wide-ranging discussions.

  • Duration of the session is 90 minutes. Speakers are required to present on-site.
  • If requested, the presentations will be recorded and streamed on-demand to conference participants during the congress or for about a month after the congress. However, in the case of a large number of requests for streaming, on-demand streaming may be selected in principle on a first-come, first-served basis.

Online Support

Online Presentations

Online presentations will not be accepted at this conference. This is to avoid problems in advance because presenters cannot use their own PCs for presentations and there are limitations on wifi network at the conference venue. We appreciate your understanding.

If it is difficult to make a presentation onsite, prerecorded video presentations will be accepted for presentations that do not require abstract submission (e.g., explanation of purpose, comments, and statements of opinion in the session) and for forum presentations only.

Streaming of Presentations

All symposia and a part of workshops and forums will be recorded and made available on ONLINE CONF at a later date.

In order to prevent problems with the recordings, all recording work will be handled by a contractor. Recording will only be done on the presentation PCs set up at the venue, so only the slides and audio will be recorded. Neither the venue nor the speaker’s face will be shown on the recordings. For the Q&A session and discussions, only speeches made through the microphone can be recorded.

Organization of Symposium and Workshop

How to organize Sessions

  • Presentations must be made using the PCs set up at the venue. PCs brought in by organizers or speakers are not allowed to be used.
  • For all sessions, the organizers and speakers must be members of the Ecological Society of Japan. However, non-members may be invited to give invited lectures for symposia only (see eligibility for each membership category).
  • The organizer/speaker of a Symposium/Workshop cannot be an organizer/speaker of another session or a speaker of Regular Presentations. However, only the combination of Workshop and Regular presentation can be duplicated (see Overlap restrictions).
  • Explanation of aim, comments, and statements of opinion that do not involve abstract registration do not count as presentations. Therefore, non-members may participate in the conference in these forms and are not subject to duplication restrictions.
    • Please note that even if you are only making comments or statement of opinions without submitting an abstract, you are still required to register for the conference. Organizers, please be alert them.
  • If you apply to Symposium, it should consist of at least two speakers. If there is only one speaker, please apply to Workshop.
  • From the viewpoint of respecting diversity, organizers are requested to structure the sessions with consideration for the balance of positions and genders of organizers and speakers.
  • In addition to the overall explanation of aims and summary, abstracts of individual presentations will be posted on the conference web page and on the conference platform.
  • In view of the increasing number of international students and participants from overseas, we encourage Symposia to be held in English. Even if the meeting is held in Japanese, please make efforts to the extent possible by writing the slides in English and preparing a simple handout in English.

For Organizers

You can apply for the sessions at the following pages.

[Go to Application site]

  • The deadline to apply for the Symposium and Workshop is 31st Oct. 2024 23:59 (JST).
  • Organizers apply for proposal of sessions using the membership number registered on the conference application site. The membership number can also be found by using the member search function on My Page.
    • All co-organizers/speakers must be registered on the conference application site before the organizer submits an application (deadline: 31st Oct. 2024). Please make sure to inform all co-organizers and speakers to log in to the conference registration site and register their information (e-mail address, affiliation, etc.) in advance.
  • Organizers will register all presentation together. Please collect the following informations before submitting.
    • Title (no more than 150 characters)
    • Name and affiliation of speakers/co-presenters
    • Membership number of speakers (login ID for invited speakers)
  • Please access the application site and enter the session title, session abstract (maximum 400 words for English), and information on each presentation.
    • Please do not register as speakers any explanation of aims, comments, or statement of opinions that does not involve abstract submission, and include the information in the session abstract.
    • Organizers will also be asked to indicate whether or not you would like to stream the entire session (including the purpose statement and commentary by commentators) on demand, and whether or not you would like to stream each of the presentation on demand.
  • Organizers will be notified by email approximately three weeks after the deadline as to whether or not their proposal will be accepted. If the number of proposals significantly exceeds the number of previous years, a lottery will be held to determine acceptance or rejection.
  • The conference committee will not be involved in the content of the session, but those that are deemed to contain the contents that defames or slanders individuals or groups may not be adopted.
  • Please also read Other Notes before applying.

For Speakers

  • Only members of the Ecological Society of Japan are eligible to present at Symposia and Workshops, with the exception of invited symposium speakers.
    • Non-members are requested to apply for membership by 31st Oct. 2024 23:59 (JST) and pay the conference fee by 21st Feb. 2025 23:59 (JST), by referring to this page.
  • All co-organizers/speakers must be registered on the conference application site before the organizer submits an application (deadline: 31st Oct. 2024). Please log in to the conference application site using your membership number (login ID for non-member speakers) and register your information (e-mail address, affiliation, etc.) as soon as possible.
  • When applying for the session, please provide the following information to the organizer. Please note that these information cannot be changed after the deadline.
    • Title (both in Japanese and English, maximum 150 characters)
    • Name and affiliation of speakers/co-presenters
    • Membership number of speakers (login ID for invited speakers)
  • Please submit your abstract (maximum 400 words) through the conference application site by 21st Feb. 2025 23:59 (JST). Also, please let the organizer know whether or not your presentation is available for on-demand streaming.
  • Please complete the conference registration procedures and pay the registration fee before the day of the conference (free of charge for invited speakers). We recommend paying as early as possible to ensure smooth log-in to the conference platform.
  • Please also see Other Notes.

Proposal of Forum

  • Tentative proposals for Forum are due on Friday, 15th Sep. 2024. Applications should be submitted by the representative of each committee.
  • Tentative proposals will be reviewed by the Board of Directors, and a final decision on whether or not to adopt the proposals will be made after coordination with the Annual Meeting Planning Committee and the Executive Committee. In the course of these discussions, it may be requested to revise the content or adjust the format of the event.
  • For those forums that have been adopted, please submit the full proposal through the conference application website.
  • Organization and presentation in Forums are not subject to the overlap restriction.
  • If non-member speakers are invited to the Forum, they may attend only that forum free of charge. Free participation in other programs, such as Symposia and Regular Presentation, is not allowed, and if they wish to attend, they must pay the conference registration fee.